Signature Adopts 1

Sig Adopts 1

Sig Adopts 2

What's New Page


Sig Of The Month

Custom Sigs

Custom Sigs 2

Credits/Links to Others

Custom3 Page


Below you will find our signatures that are currently up for adopt. Please note that the name on the example does not represent which of us created that particular sig. We both contribute to all of them, and you may request any of them from either of us. :)

When requesting, please be sure to include your Name, Head No. and Glitter Color if applicable. Sparkle can be added to any adopt upon request.   Please note that we will ONLY fill requests with your DELPHI MEMBER NAME or your REAL name, which should appear in your profile.  All other requests will no longer be filled.

Sunny Dayz

Blue Ripple Globe

Butterfly Orchid

Soul Sisters

Gold Hearts/Chairs

Sisters Swing

Some Like It Hot

Slippery When Wet


Chinese Dragon

Bridge & Flowers


Dark Castle

Cheerleader - Can customize Colors for School


Surreal Moon


Dragon Orb


Big kitty!!

Frog (Sparkles can be added by request!!)

Stone Path


Fairy Rose

Summer Bench

Name Diva - Can change glitter/name color

Blue Poppies

Rose Globe

Dragon Steps

Galaxy Girl